The committee has been working towards renaming the club to bring us more in line with the community whilst maintaining parts of our history. We would therefore offer our invitation to join us at Bennettswood Pavillion on 9th August for a Special Gneral Meeting, SGM. As per the constitution:

- The SGM is open to all members (current and life) of the club

- No other business shall be brought to this meeting, and if the members wish to bring up further business they are required to get in touch with the Club Secretary (Greg Rollo-Walker) for it to be added to the next general meetings agenda.

- No item will be brought forward at the meeting without a quorum (at least 10 members) being present.

- Members have the right to make themselves heard on the topic

- Vote will be carried out by secret ballot

- 2/3 of the quorum are required to vote in favour for the resolution to be taken forward

The name put forward initially by a sub-committee made up of senior committee and life members, and then approved to move towards an SGM by the current committee is 'Wattle Park Amateurs Football Club'. The name is part of the club’s history. It is unique, no other football club currently carries the name (although we must affirm that the name is legally available to be used). And the wattle forms a part of the Australian psyche, “Under the Southern Cross I stand, sprig of wattle in my hand”.

Thank you for your support as we move forward into this exciting next step for the club we love and support.