Emmaus St. Leo’s OCFC are proud to announce that they have left the 2021 season with a profit, something which would have seemed impossible during the last two seasons.

During the pandemic, every community sports club in Victoria has struggled through the last two years, especially the winter sports clubs. So the fact the Animals have ended 2021 in the positive is something both President Glen Davis and Treasurer Paul Baranello are ecstatic about.

Speaking at the AGM, President Davis said the the effort put in by everyone to help achieve the outcome was special, and has set the club up for the future.

Baranello acknowledged that the ability to have some football played in 2021 and an influx of new players for both sides was helpful, it was still a monumental effort the club should be proud of.

Later on it was announced that Development Officer Michael Davis will be stepping down from his role for the 2022 season so that he could focus on his football, as the Animals Senior Men set themselves up for yet another premiership and promotion push. Davis’ duties will be spread around the committee, including some roles landing in the lap of new committee member Lilli Fogarty.

At the end of the meeting, it was announced by President Davis that the club will look in to the potential for a rebrand in the near future. Davis stressed that the decision was far from made, and that several long steps will need to be followed if any change were to be made. He also announced that everyone in the Animals Family will be more than welcome in letting their feelings known about any suggestions.