Established in 2018, the Animals Mental Health Program is here to support all members of the Animals family, including our players, coaches, volunteers, and supporters. At the Animals you are never alone. Whether you are new to living out of home, a university student, finding your way in your career, new to the footy club, or a top class veteran of the Animals, we are here for you.
A key component of our Mental Health program is the establishment of the Animals Mental Health Fund. The fund is able to be accessed anonymously by any individual in the extended Animals family, to financially assist them in attaining mental health services. Instructions on how to access the fund can be found below, or by speaking to one of our Mental Health Ambassadors.
The club hosts an annual Mental Health Night aimed at increasing awareness and generating discussions, whilst raising funds to support our community members.
We understand that sometimes it can be difficult to discuss your mental health with people you know. If this is the case, we encourage you to reach out to external organisations (some provided below) or a registered health professional. As a club, we look forward to growing the program and its initiatives into the future, to provide the best possible support for our members.
We have an amazing team of Mental Health Ambassadors who are here to assist you in receiving the support that you need and deserve. These Animals are trained and certified in Mental Health First Aid, and are points of contact to discuss mental health issues, resources, or anything that might be going on in your life! Our ambassadors may also approach you for a chat if they notice changes in your behaviour. All discussions with our ambassadors remain confidential and are a safe space to share your experiences and emotions. For their contact information, please reach out to the club.
2024 Ambassadors Announced Soon!
Accessing the Animals Mental Health Fund
Approach a Mental Health Ambassador (Optional) - If you are struggling, come and speak to one of our ambassadors and they can assist you in exploring available support options. If you would rather discuss your situation with a professional, feel free to skip this step.
Visit your General Practitioner - We encourage you to speak to your GP or other medical practitioner regarding a Mental Health Treatment Plan and your eligibility for the Better Access Initiative. Under the initiative, those eligible can receive up to 10 individual and up to 10 group allied mental health services each year. This gives access (subsidised by Medicare) to certain psychologists, occupational therapists and social workers.
You can’t get Medicare rebates for all the sessions in one go. After the first 6 appointments, you’re required to see your GP again for a mental health plan review. They can then decide if a referral is necessary for further sessions. If the practitioner bulk bills, no payment is required. If the practitioner doesn’t bulk bill, you’ll need to pay either the full cost (and make a claim) or the difference between what they charge and what Medicare covers. If you have private health insurance, this may cover some cost.
Notify the Club for Reimbursement - Out-of-pocket expenses from Step 2 will be reimbursed by the club's Mental Health Fund, so that for the first 5 sessions (or up to a particular value) you will not have to pay. This may vary dependent on individual circumstances. Simply notify an ambassador of your visits (this will remain confidential) and provide an invoice outlining the cost and the club will process the reimbursement. This reduces any financial burden and allows you to focus on your health.
If your GP deemed you ineligible for the initiative, if you have already accessed it, or you are seeing a medical practitioner regularly, please discuss this with one of our ambassadors.
Ongoing Assistance - The support never stops. Once the financial assistance provided by the club is completed, our ambassadors will continue to work with the individual to monitor their progress and ensure that ongoing support is provided.
For more information, or if you have any questions, please speak to one of our Mental Health Ambassadors.