Despite another competitive game for Wattle Park AFC’s women’s team, Power House ultimately proved too powerful on the weekend as the sun shone down on Ross Gregory Oval. 

With a rather quick first goal of the game, the Animals started well, but a well-drilled Power House team utilised their structures through the corridor for much of the day and were able to get looks inside 50 consistently. A lull in the third quarter saw only one goal kicked each for both sides as the ball predominantly ping-ponged between the arcs.

Power House’s continued peppering of the goals in the final term saw ten scoring shots but resulted in only two majors, with the Animals’ defence strong despite the scoreline in the dying stages of the game. 

After two rounds, the effort of the Animals cannot be understated, with the connection on-field building and building. Passages of play from the weekend saw the team exit defensive 50, stringing together handballs to get the ball moving forward with speed. The willingness to put their bodies on the line for their teammates is already an integral part of this year’s side, put on display by Lilli Fogarty, whose shepherd of Jemima Clancy saw Fogarty off the ground with concussion and Clancy freely running down the wing, ball in hand. Nyari Grzyb and Clover Hart also finished the game sore after repeated efforts that didn’t go unnoticed by their teammates. 

In her first game of the year, Grzyb’s work in the middle saw her named in the best players list, as well as getting on the board with a goal, but it was club debutant Ashton Billing who took top honours after being everywhere the Animals needed her. Fellow debut player Paige Hill’s speed around the ball provided another option, and Bronwyn Slater’s efforts at fullback for a majority of the game no doubt stemmed the tide for the Animals. 

Blaire Preddey kicked her first official goal of the year after being granted a holding free kick in the first quarter. 

WP 2.1.13

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The triple headers continue for the Women, Reserves and Seniors as they welcome La Trobe University the Bennettswood Reserve for round 2. La Trobe’s women’s side is fresh off a good win in round 2.