Sitting 4th on the ladder the Seniors have lost two very winnable games after 1⁄2 time.

We are still working on understanding the game style and getting skills to a point where we can execute the game plan effectively.

The players have shown on a few occasions how good they can be, and this has been mentioned by opposition coaches, we just have to put a full 4 quarters together and start believing we are capable of being a competitive side in this competition and when we achieve this, I believe we can be very successful.

We are now running with 4 coaches between the two squads and this has seen a great improvement in players game and skill knowledge, we have now seen more intense training sessions now that we can split the players into smaller groups.

Having so many registered players can actually be a great problem to have for the seniors, as no positions are final. We have introduced a 27 player squad for the remainder of the season, with the plan to bolster and improve the side, getting some competition between the starters.

Our short‐term goal is to win the next 2 games, before our Byes. Strategically, the byes will set up us for the remainder of the season, giving injured players a chance to become available for selection, and those who have played hard, a well deserved rest.

Long term we want/need to finish in the top 2, I believe the squad is more than capable of this seeing the competition we have played.

For a squad that has really only played together (all players) 4 times. I am very pleased with the results thus far and with good training efforts and the enthusiasm the players are now bringing, we can improve each game and give ourselves every chance of success come the pointy end of the season.

Ian Ledder - Seniors Coach